Yearbook Holland Sports & Industry
Holland Sports & Industry is a magazine in which Dutch companies and organizations, affiliated to sports are presented. Furthermore, the magazine presents what the Netherlands has to offer in hardware (infrastructure, accommodations, financing, advising, etc.) and software (training, coaching, organization, sports marketing, etc.) in relation to sports. The magazine consists of interviews, editorials and advertisements related to Dutch governments, Dutch sports and Dutch companies and organizations.
The magazine Holland Sports & Industry is disseminated among the following organizations:
- Embassies and Consulates of the Netherlands in foreign countries;
- Embassies and Consulates of foreign countries in the Netherlands;
- Sports Institutions related to the Netherlands Olympic Committee;
- Governments (Ministries, Provinces and large Municipalities);
- Participants and partners of Orange Sports Forum Foundation.
In addition to an overview of Dutch companies affiliated with sports, the yearbook consists of interviews and reports from the quadruple helix of sports, governments, universities, and companies. The aim of the yearbook is to provide insight into what the Netherlands has to offer in the field of sports, both economically and socially. Through the yearbook, OSF Nederland wants to bring Sportland to international attention and thus improve the positioning of Dutch organizations regarding sports. This ultimately leads to more international partnerships.
Click on the covers below to view the yearbooks.